I shoot with natural light so the exact times I work change a little over the seasons but sessions run mid morning till mid/late afternoon. We can find a time that works for you.

It’s good to bring a few tops: I find plain, simple cuts and colours tend to work best but whatever you feel comfortable in. So if you want a picture in that leather jacket bring that leather jacket!

The session will last about 2 hours and we’ll do a few set ups with different tops, lighting and backgrounds so we have lots of options to choose from.

I shoot using a tethered system which basically means you’ll be able to see the shots on a screen as they’re taken, most people love this but if you’d prefer to wait til after to see the shots that’s no problem either.

At the end of the session I’ll upload the pics onto a Google Drive so you can pick the ones you’d like cropped and retouched. I only offer retouched pics but I don’t use filters or anything like that, I just get rid of any temporary blemishes (zits) and crop and correct exposure and white balance (which means I make sure the framing, brightness and colours are as true and gorgeous as they can be).

Once you’ve let me know your choices I’ll get them straight back to you, usually within 24 hours.